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Complex Adaptive Systems Initiative (CASI)
CASI leverages transdisciplinary relationships to address complex global challenges in health, sustainability, security and education by creating entirely new technologies and novel solutions. This requires integration of diverse research disciplines across the University and building an extended network of global collaborations.

What is a complex adaptive system?
A complex adaptive system is comprised of a heterogeneous and diverse network of interacting and independent agents that learn and adapt over time. Complex system behaviors are often said to be emergent and subject to self-organization. In short, the macro-level behavior of the system is more than the sum of the micro-level.
CASI includes three major divisions

Strategic Initiatives – CASI
Led by George Poste, this division focuses on design principles of complex systems; research competitiveness in new domains; new connections of innovation; funding opportunities and new partnerships.

Consortium for Biosocial Complex Systems
Led by Sander van der Leeeuw, this division focuses on CASI’s educational mission on campus as well as research into Complex Adaptive Systems Science through the Consortium for Biosocial Complex Systems.

Knowledge Networks Planning
Headed by Anna Barker, this division focuses on CASI’s Biomolecular research with an emphasis on personalized medicine.