Poste, G. Sustaining Healthcare Innovation in an Era of Constraint. The 6th Annual Burrill Personalized Medicine Meeting. Burlingame, CA (Sep 27, 2010)
George Poste. Video Interview with Dr. George Poste taken at the World Economic Event on Mobile Health (mHealth). World Economic Event on Mobile Health (mHealth). La Jolla, CA (Jun 8, 2010)
Poste, G. Bugs, Bits and Engineering Bioforms: Good and Bad Applications and Actors. New America Foundation Symposium: Warring Futures: Transforming Today’s Military. The Army and Navy Club, Washington, DC (May 24, 2010)
Poste, G. Challenges and Opportunities in Cancer Detection and Diagnosis: The Need for Systems-Based Approaches For Successful Validation of Biomarkers. NCI Cancer Early Detection Stakeholders Meeting. Rockville (May 21, 2010)
Poste, G. The Need to Build Holistic, Personalized Healthcare Delivery Systems. Poste, G. Vision 2020: The Need to Build Holistic, Personalized Healthcare Delivery Systems. International Health Forum. Munich (May 7, 2010)