
G. Poste. Immunophenotyping to Differentiate Responder and Non-responder Patients in Cancer Immunotherapy. P4: Biomarkers for Patient Selection (06) @ CHI’s13th Annual Biomarker World Congress . Philadelphia, PA (May 3, 2017)

G. Poste. Understanding the Design Principles and Dynamics of Complex Adaptive Systems. Presentation to Lynx Global Intelligence . Arizona State University (Apr 10, 2017)

G. Poste. Biosecurity: A Multi-Dimensional Challenge of Escalating Complexity and Urgency. Stanford’s BioSecurity class. Stanford University (Mar 8, 2017)

G. Poste. The Strategic Landscape for Healthcare: Balancing Technological Innovation and the Cost of Care. IEEE Phoenix Section, Annual Banquet . Phoenix, AZ (Feb 11, 2017)

G. Poste. Navigating the Multi-Dimensional Complexity of Drug Pricing Policies. NASEM Committee on Ensuring Patient Access to Affordable Drug Therapies Meeting. Stanford Law School (Jan 23, 2017)

Carolyn Compton. Developing Clinically Important (and Useful) ONCOLOGY Biomarkers: Challenges and solutions. PMWC 2017. Silicon Valley (Jan 23, 2017 – Jan 25, 2017)

G. Poste. PanOmics, Informatics, Economics, Ethics and Politics: The Five Forces Shaping the Evolution of Precision Medicine. The 4th Annual Omenn Lecture. University of Michigan Medical School (Jan 18, 2017)

Carolyn Compton. Precision Medicine and the Biospecimen Quality Imperative. Northwell Health . Grand Rounds (Dec 8, 2016)

Carolyn Compton. Preanalytical Processing: The Biospecimen Quality Imperative. Evolution and Revolution in Anatomic Pathology . Banbury Conference Center (Dec 5, 2016)

G. Poste. The Evolution of Precision Oncology. 2nd Annual West Cancer Center Oncology Symposium . Memphis, Tennessee (Nov 18, 2016)